Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Common Eye Diseases

1. Use the following Prezi to complete your notes for page 19R of your science notebook.

2. Answer the following questions about the prezi notes. 

3. Now that you have some background information about common eye diseases, create a comic strip explaining one of them.

Comic Strip Requirements: 

  • Choose ONE of the Common Eye Diseases
  • Describe what the disease is
  • Describe how you get the disease
  • Describe the symptoms of the disease
  • Describe how the disease is treated
When you are done with your comic, make sure to email it to Ms. Chea at susanne.chea@kippbayview.org

NOTE: You can create more than one poster if there is more time :)

4. Watch the following news clip and answer the questions that follow. 

5. Answer the following questions about the video. 

6. Check out more optical illusions until it's time to clean up!