Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Genetic Disorders

1. What is a mutation? Check out the following video to explain and answer the first set of questions. 

2. Watch the first 8 minutes of NOVA: Cracking the Code of Life to answer the second set of questions. You can go back and watch the rest when you are done with the remaining class work. 

3. Watch the following video One Wrong Letter to learn about Tay Sach's disease. Make sure to answer the questions on your paper using complete sentences. 

4. Beginning tomorrow, you will have a chance to start a genetic disorder research project. Get a head start be looking up some of the following genetic disorders at: 

Encyclopedia Britannica, username: kippbayview, password: ligers

1.      Achondroplasia
2.      Cystic Fibrosis
3.      Cri du Chat Syndrome
4.      Type 1 Diabetes
5.      Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
6.      Down Syndrome
7.      Fragile X Syndrome
8.      Hemophilia
9.      Huntington’s disease
10.  Leukodystrophy
11.  Lou Gehrig’s Disease
12.  Parkinson’s Disease
13.  Polydactyly
14.  Rett Syndrome
15.  Sickle Cell Anemia
16.  Thalassemia
17.  Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy
18.  Trisomy 13
19.  Trisomy 18
20.  Turner Syndrome
21.  Klinefelter Syndrome
22.  Osteogenesis Imperfecta
23.  Canavan Disease
24.  Alzheimer’s Disease

Tomorrow you will either decide to work on the research project alone OR with up to 2 partners (groups of 2 or 3). We will discuss the project more tomorrow. 

5. Blame it on the DNA.

6. Game: Which is a Genetic Disease? 

 7. You have until the timer is up to do one of the following: 
  • Check out Ms. Chea's other blog pages
  • Check your grades on Powerschool
*I should NOT see you on any other websites or using your gmail. 

8. When you're done with your exit ticket on Socrative in room 35718, shut down and close your computer. You can then:
  • Work on SCIENCE homework
  • Read